[UPDATE November 2015] You can now install OpenTyrian from the RetroPie setup script. Please update the script if you have not done so recently.
Configure and Install Dispmanx
git clone https://github.com/vanfanel/SDL12-kms-dispmanx.git
The OpenTyrian source code expects dispmanx to be in the /opt/sdl-dispmanx folder so move and rename with the following command:
sudo mv ~/SDL12-kms-dispmanx/ /opt/sdl-dispmanx
To configure dispmanx, run the following commands:
cd /opt/sdl-dispmanx
CFLAGS="-Ofast -mcpu=arm1176jzf-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=hard"
./configure --prefix=/opt/sdl-dispmanx --disable-video-opengl
--enable-video-dispmanx --disable-video-fbcon --disable-video-kms
--disable-video-directfb --disable-oss --disable-alsatest
--disable-pulseaudio --disable-pulseaudio-shared --disable-arts
--disable-nas --disable-esd --disable-nas-shared --disable-diskaudio
--disable-dummyaudio --disable-mintaudio --disable-video-x11
To install, run the following command:
make && sudo make install
This step takes about 15 minutes.
Compile OpenTyrian
wget -c https://sites.google.com/site/dosonthepi/opentyrian.zip
unzip opentyrian.zip
Compile with the following commands
cd ~/opentyrian
make release
This step takes about 10 minutes.
Download version 2.1 of the game data to the same folder as the binary.
wget -c http://www.camanis.net/tyrian/tyrian21.zip
unzip -j tyrian21.zip -d data
You can test your binary by typing the following command:
Configure Game Controllers
To re-configure, use the arrow keys on a keyboard to select an action, FIRE, CHANGE FIRE etc. Press ENTER on a keyboard to highlight and then the button on your game controller that you wish to map. Repeat for other buttons. I have not been able to remove the default mappings so take care not to have any conflicts.
I found that, with dispmanx sdl still installed, I could move my fighter left and right with the keyboard but not with the analogue stick of my PS3 controller. To fix this, uninstall sdl-dispmanx with the following commands:
cd /opt/sdl-dispmanx
sudo make uninstall
Integrate into Retropie
cd ~/RetroPie/roms/ports
sudo nano opentyrian.sh
Copy and paste the code below.
cd /home/pi/opentyrian
/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh 0 "./opentyrian"
Save and exit. Next make the opentyrian.sh executable.
sudo chmod +x opentyrian.sh